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Beka Mina Soap
R25.00Beka Mina Soap
Yenza ubukeke lapho uhambakhona. Ubanogazi udlule wonke umuntu. Uphumaphambili ngisho nakwisithandwa sakho
Bring love and attraction into your life.
- 100g Bar
- Perfect for all skin types
- Handmade with high-quality ingredients, Â and a refreshing and invigorating scent.
Incense & Holy Ash
Holy Ash Soap
R35.00Holy Ash Soap
Holy Ash soap aids in shielding you from negative energies and promoting well-being. Â And can also be use to attract good luck, money and positivity.
- 100g Bar
- Perfect for all skin types
- Handmade with high-quality ingredients, holy ash and a refreshing and invigorating scent.
Inhlanhla Soap
R25.00Inhlanhla Soap
Yenza. Ubenezinhlanhla Uphumelele. Isusa ithunzi elibi nesinyama. Nemali iyazingenela uma geza ngayo
For great luck always
- 100g Bar
- Perfect for all skin types
- Handmade with high-quality ingredients, Â and a refreshing and invigorating scent.
Isikhalamezi Soap
R25.00Isikhalamezi Soap
For Attraction
- 100g Bar
- Perfect for all skin types
- Handmade with high-quality ingredients, Â and a refreshing and invigorating scent.
Isivikelo Soap
R25.00Isivikelo Soap
3 in 1 Protection
Lesi isiwasho siyavikela wasekhaya uma likhungethwe abathakathi ababulala umuzi siyavikela nasezinganeni ezifungelwe ukuthi zingalungelwa lutho
Protection and to avoid bad things from happening to you.
- 100g Bar
- Perfect for all skin types
- Handmade with high-quality ingredients, Â and a refreshing and invigorating scent.
Jezebel soap
R50.00Jezebel Soap serves various purposes:
- Draws in affluent men and invites marriage proposals from wealthy individuals.
- Enhances success in the realms of business and finance.
- Elevates you to positions of power in negotiations or dealings.
- 100g bar
- Contains genuine jezebel root, Â rose, and other potent love and commanding herbs.
Mavula Soap
R50.00Mavula Soap
Mavula can dispel misfortune, unlock opportunities in work and love, and open doors that were once closed in your life. Additionally, Mavula aids in unlocking your aspirations and dreams.
- 150g Bar
- Perfect for all skin types
- Handmade with high-quality ingredients, Â and a refreshing and invigorating scent.
Mkhanya Kude Soap
R25.00Mkhanya Kude Soap
Senza ukhuthi noma ungabe uphakathi kwabantu kubona kala wena, Wena kaphela noma ungabe yofuna umsebenzi abelungu babone wena wedwa.
The secret to standing out and becoming the center of attention.
- 100g Bar
- Perfect for all skin types
- Handmade with high-quality ingredients, Â and a refreshing and invigorating scent.
Mphepho Soap
R25.00Mphepho Soap
Sigeza idlozi alinyama silapha nezopha nezifo zabanhtu abadala emzimbeni
Helps invoke the ancestral spirits, cleanse negative energy, and calm the evil spirits.
- 100g Bar
- Perfect for all skin types
- Handmade with high-quality ingredients, mphepho herb and a refreshing and invigorating scent.
Mpinda Mshaye Soap
R25.00Mpinda Mshaye Soap
Ziphindisele kubantu abalwe nawe nge mithi ibalimaze
Helps you fight against bad luck and misfortune that enters your life.
- 100g Bar
- Perfect for all skin types
- Handmade with high-quality ingredients, Â and a refreshing and invigorating scent.
Mpukane Soap
R25.00Mpukane Soap
Uma funa akulandelele ezwe wena , akulalela
Use for your partners presence to always be around you
- 100g Bar
- Perfect for all skin types
- Handmade with high-quality ingredients, Â and a refreshing and invigorating scent.
Mwenje Soap
R50.00Mwenje Soap
Cleanses your spirit.
Undo and break curses against you.
Get rid of spiritual partners.
Open closed doors
- 100g bar
- Perfect for all skin types
- Handmade with high-quality ingredients, Â and a refreshing and invigorating scent.