Itswayi Lombani – Lightning Salt
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Siwasho Unginakile
Nakwa lapho uhamba khona nasemsebenzini uphuma phambili nakumuntu wakho.
Make everyone love and see you.
Siwasho Isimangaliso
Senza ukuthi ube nenhlanhla yomsebenzi, imali. fafi, loto. amahashi, casino
Brings you fortune in your professional endeavors and financial pursuits, helps increase your luck when playing fafi, lotto and gambling.
Siwasho Bheka Mina
Yenza ubukeke lapho uhambakhona. Ubanogazi udlule wonke umuntu. Uphumaphambili ngisho nakwisithandwa sakho
Bring love and attraction into your life.
Itswayi Roselina
Uphinde ukhulume. Uyabethela ngaso. Uyaphephetha
To bring luck and the attention of your love.
Siwasho Isikhalamezi
For Attraction
Siwasho 4 in 1
Vulakuvaliwe Mkanya kude Mpinda mshaye Velabahleke
All four in 1, Leswasho lestrong. Kakhulu
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