Itswayi Lombani – Lightning Salt
Protection against Lightning Salt
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Mamsadinyana’s Special Siwasho
Thola konke okuwako wakuphupha. Isebenza masinyane nemithandazo. Ivekela inhlanhla yakho enhle
Siwasho Mpinda Muva
Imikhonto yezizwe For all protection
Itswayi Roselina
Uphinde ukhulume. Uyabethela ngaso. Uyaphephetha
To bring luck and the attention of your love.
Siwasho Samacala sa Dinyewe
Court, ndlini, msebenzini, nkkosini,futhi siyaphephisa, siyavikela
Helps you with all your law issues and court cases.
Siwasho Semfundo
Phumula umqondo wakho ukhumbule izifundo zakho kalula
Relax your mind and remember your studies
Mkanyakude siwasho –Â Senzo ukuthi noma ungabe uphakathi kwabantu.Kubona kala wena. Yofuna umsebenzi. Abelungu babone wen wedwa
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