Itswayi Lombani – Lightning Salt
Protection against Lightning Salt
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Siwasho Isivikelo
3 in 1 Protection
Lesi isiwasho siyavikela wasekhaya uma likhungethwe abathakathi ababulala umuzi siyavikela nasezinganeni ezifungelwe ukuthi zingalungelwa lutho
Protection and to avoid bad things from happening to you.
Siwasho Hamba Sathane
Omoya omubi. Namthunzi amabi, namabhadi
Go Away Evil
Siwasho Pin Code
Uma ufuna, Blessers, Imali, Inhlanhla, Chelete, Sibuyisa isithandwa sakho. Uthandwe kakhulu owakwakho, Lesiwasho sisho ukuthi khumbula umuntu wakho owamuqina kudala ukhipha yonke intoyokuthenga senza nokuthi ukhumbule ekhaya.
Used by women to persuade your partner to give you his bank card with the pin code or to give you money.
Itshe Abelungu Wenhlanhla
Uyisebensiza. Uma ufuna umsebenzi. Senza ukuthi uthandeka
Brings you good luck and good fortune
Mkanyakude siwasho –Â Senzo ukuthi noma ungabe uphakathi kwabantu.Kubona kala wena. Yofuna umsebenzi. Abelungu babone wen wedwa
Siwasho Uthando Lerato
Senza ukuthi abantu. Bakuthanda babheka wena. Wenda noma ikuphi lapho. Uhamba khona babheka. Wena kuphela. Bonke abantu
Use it to find love or to increase the love and affection of your partner.
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