Itswayi Lombani – Lightning Salt
Protection against Lightning Salt
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Siwasho Bheka Mina
Yenza ubukeke lapho uhambakhona. Ubanogazi udlule wonke umuntu. Uphumaphambili ngisho nakwisithandwa sakho
Bring love and attraction into your life.
Siwasho Nugani
Vula inhlanhla yakho. Vula iZivalo. Lo umuthi futhi sibone ushintsho. Ukuthi lapho, Vula inhlanhla yemali. Waval ngoku sebenzisa.Olukhulu empilweni yakho
Open up your luck and fortune.
Siwasho Samacala sa Dinyewe
Court, ndlini, msebenzini, nkkosini,futhi siyaphephisa, siyavikela
Helps you with all your law issues and court cases.
Siwasho Esomsebenzi
Uyisebensiza. Uma ufuna umsebenzi. Senza ukuthi uthandeka
Perfect for individuals: Actively seeking or applying for a job. Employed but seeking better opportunities. Feeling undervalued and overlooked at work. Applying without success.
Siwasho Inhlanhla Senza ukuthi ube wenhlanhla. Yomsebenzi owomsebenzi, ilthoamahhashi. Amandayisi,fafi isiqondiso
Brings you luck and good fortune
Siwasho Pin Code
Uma ufuna, Blessers, Imali, Inhlanhla, Chelete, Sibuyisa isithandwa sakho. Uthandwe kakhulu owakwakho, Lesiwasho sisho ukuthi khumbula umuntu wakho owamuqina kudala ukhipha yonke intoyokuthenga senza nokuthi ukhumbule ekhaya.
Used by women to persuade your partner to give you his bank card with the pin code or to give you money.
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