Tokoloshe Salt – Hamba satan. Hamba tokoloshe. Susa imimoya emibi. Xosha amabhan.
Chases the Evil out .
The Tokoloshe, a diminutive entity thought to be somewhat human-like, tasked with causing misfortune and terrorizing individuals. The use of Tokoloshe salts is believed to render this creature visible, empowering individuals to expel it to the underworld
Directions for use:
Sprinkle Tokoloshe Salt around the home and yard to keep away evil spirits. A line of salt across all points of entry should prevent the Tokoloshe from entering your home. Cover ALL points of entry, doorways, roof tops and windowsills. Place a bowl of salt under your bed, as a protective measure to prevent the Tokoloshe from haunting you and your family.
Tokoloshe Salts are also used in Bath water to relief body pains.
You can also add a bit of salt to your food and tame your “inner” Tokoloshe.
Use Tokoloshe Salts and boost your body spirits and sleep well.
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