Siwasho Isikhalamezi
For Attraction
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Siwasho Semfundo
Phumula umqondo wakho ukhumbule izifundo zakho kalula
Relax your mind and remember your studies
Siwasho 4 in 1
Vulakuvaliwe Mkanya kude Mpinda mshaye Velabahleke
All four in 1, Leswasho lestrong. Kakhulu
Siwasho Uthando Lerato
Senza ukuthi abantu. Bakuthanda babheka wena. Wenda noma ikuphi lapho. Uhamba khona babheka. Wena kuphela. Bonke abantu
Use it to find love or to increase the love and affection of your partner.
Siwasho Isivikelo
3 in 1 Protection
Lesi isiwasho siyavikela wasekhaya uma likhungethwe abathakathi ababulala umuzi siyavikela nasezinganeni ezifungelwe ukuthi zingalungelwa lutho
Protection and to avoid bad things from happening to you.
Siwasho Bheka Mina
Yenza ubukeke lapho uhambakhona. Ubanogazi udlule wonke umuntu. Uphumaphambili ngisho nakwisithandwa sakho
Bring love and attraction into your life.
Siwasho Samacala sa Dinyewe
Court, ndlini, msebenzini, nkkosini,futhi siyaphephisa, siyavikela
Helps you with all your law issues and court cases.
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