Itswayi Lombani – Lightning Salt
Protection against Lightning Salt
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Siwasho Unginakile
Nakwa lapho uhamba khona nasemsebenzini uphuma phambili nakumuntu wakho.
Make everyone love and see you.
Itswayi Roselina
Uphinde ukhulume. Uyabethela ngaso. Uyaphephetha
To bring luck and the attention of your love.
Siwasho Mpinda Muva
Imikhonto yezizwe For all protection
Siwasho Semfundo
Phumula umqondo wakho ukhumbule izifundo zakho kalula
Relax your mind and remember your studies
Siwasho 3 in 1
Mpukane Vuma Woza Woza
Ukulandelwa Ezwe wena Akulalela Acabange Wena wedwa, Imali, Nhlanhla noma Umsebenzi Sebenzisa Lesiwasho
Assists you in getting everything you desire —whether it be regarding finances, fortune, or career.
Siwasho Pin Code
Uma ufuna, Blessers, Imali, Inhlanhla, Chelete, Sibuyisa isithandwa sakho. Uthandwe kakhulu owakwakho, Lesiwasho sisho ukuthi khumbula umuntu wakho owamuqina kudala ukhipha yonke intoyokuthenga senza nokuthi ukhumbule ekhaya.
Used by women to persuade your partner to give you his bank card with the pin code or to give you money.
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