Lotion & Cream
Semali Body Cream
R35.00Semali Body Cream
For bringing money to you.
Our creams and lotions are made with a luxury lotion base mixed with a blend of oils.
Siwasho Esemali
R20.00Siwasho Esemali
Senza ukuthi imali kutahade izekuwe uma uthenge esitolo uthola uchange omningi nayo
Helps draw money and fortune into your life.
- 350g bottle
- Contains real money
- Umuthi wokugquma, nokugeza, nokuphalaza
Siwasho Fodo Finish
R25.00Siwasho Fodo Finish
Yiba ngowomyeni wakho, uthwebule uthando lwakhe ngentshiseko kuphela. Ukuzilungisa kahle kuzokushiya nephunga elimnandi, kuthuthukise ubuhle bakho.
Enhances your sense of beauty and helps alleviate any feelings of insecurity you may have about yourself.
- 350g bottle
- Contains special salts and botanicals
- Umuthi wokugquma, nokugeza, nokuphalaza
Siwasho Ikhokhelo
R20.00Siwasho Ikhokhelo
Phuma osizini lokuphelelwa imali yasebenza noma uyazisebenza leswasho sivula inhlanhla yemali ingakubalekele, ikuthande, ihlale kuwe, emhlope uma usisabenzisa
Escape the hardships of financial scarcity and unemployment.- 350g bottle
- Contains traditional herbs
- Umuthi wokugquma, nokugeza, nokuphalaza
Siwasho Intelezi
R20.00Siwasho Intelezi
Sisuza amabhadhi siqaqa amafindo sigxosha nezitha nabangani nabi, silungisa okuningi sixosha notikoloshi.
Remove negativity, unravel entanglements, stand against enemies and friends alike, fix all your problems, and chase away evil and tokoloshe
- 350g bottle
- Contains traditional herbs
- Umuthi wokugquma, nokugeza, nokuphalaza
Siwasho Velabahleke
R20.00Siwasho Velabahleke
Kumamatheka wonkee umuntu lapha uvela khona
Brings a smile to your face and uplifts your spirits during challenging moments.
- 350g bottle
- Contains real herbs
- Umuthi wokugquma, nokugeza, nokuphalaza
Siwasho 3 in 1 Mpukane Vuma Woza Woza
R20.00Siwasho 3 in 1
Mpukane Vuma Woza Woza
Ukulandelwa Ezwe wena Akulalela Acabange Wena wedwa, Imali, Nhlanhla noma Umsebenzi Sebenzisa Lesiwasho
Assists you in getting everything you desire —whether it be regarding finances, fortune, or career.
- 350g bottle
- Contains traditional herbs
- Umuthi wokugquma, nokugeza, nokuphalaza
Siwasho 4 in 1
R20.00Siwasho 4 in 1
Mkanya kude
Mpinda mshaye
VelabahlekeAll four in 1, Leswasho lestrong. Kakhulu
- 350g bottle
- Contains traditional herbs
- Umuthi wokugquma, nokugeza, nokuphalaza
Siwasho Amaphupho
R20.00Amaphupho siwasho
Amaphupho akho afezeke thi uphephe amadhozi akho senza ukuthi uphuphe kahle uwahkumbule amaphupho akho uphumelele.
Helps clear your dreams.
- 350g bottle
- Contains traditional herbs
- Umuthi wokugquma, nokugeza, nokuphalaza
Siwasho ATM
R20.00Siwasho ATM
Siwasho semali, satjhelete, u-mdwebo wemali
Ukuze umlingani wakho akunikeze imali noma ikhadi lakhe.
For your partner to give you money and his card as per your request
- 350g bottle
- Contains traditional herbs
- Umuthi wokugquma, nokugeza, nokuphalaza
Siwasho Bheka Mina
R20.00Siwasho Bheka Mina
Yenza ubukeke lapho uhambakhona. Ubanogazi udlule wonke umuntu. Uphumaphambili ngisho nakwisithandwa sakho
Bring love and attraction into your life.
- 350g bottle
- Contains traditional herbs
- Umuthi wokugquma, nokugeza, nokuphalaza